The World Orchid Conference Trust awards medals to individuals of any nationality who have contributed to advancing the science, conservation, and practice of orchidology to the degree that warrants truly distinguished recognition. Outstanding accomplishments in the following categories would qualify an individual for consideration for the WOC Trust Medal:
The WOC Trust will ensure gender, nationality, and diversity balance in the nomination and selection of candidates.
Conflict of interest and Propriety: all nominations should include full disclosure of interest or a declaration by the nominator that they do not have any conflict of interest. Any conflict of interest of the nominees with the WOC Trust should then be assessed and considered. A nominator or member of a Committee or the Board considered to have a conflict of interest should withdraw from any discussion or voting regarding all nominees for a particular WOC Trust Medal. Conflict of interest includes all moral, financial, or non-financial relationships which could compromise or have the appearance of compromising the individual’s impartiality, judgment, or integrity. Examples of conflict of interest include any financial, employment, voluntary involvement, or other benefits, including receipt of gifts or hospitality. Close relationships or associations. All competing personal, political, or academic interests must be resolved during vetting.
Serving WOC Trustees are not eligible for the WOC Trust Medal.